Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eye to Eye- Revised

Authors Note: I am redoing this piece to add figurative language and to strive for a 9 in word choice.

In  The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton , the Greasers try to survive without getting killed or beaten by the dreadful Socs. The Socs are a gang from the west side who are greatly wealthy and enjoy starting fights and love the pleasure of beating up Greasers for fun. The story is written in the Greasers point of view. From this perspective, a lot of events and characters are described in a way that creates pain or discomfort in the reader about the Greasers who are overly abused by the Socs. Just like a wild gazelle and a lion. 

One way that the Greasers point of view influences the reader's interpretation is how their perspective shows that the Greasers just mind their own business all the time and how the dreadful Socs come and try to kill them for no reason. When a reader reads this story they feel bad for the Greasers getting beat up, but what the reader may not know is the Socs background story. As the reader I feel like if I knew the Socs story I would understand way they do the things that they do, but as a reader I don’t know that so I just have to go from what the book says. 

However, the reader would feel a whole lot different about the Greasers if the novel was written in the point of view of the Socs. For instance, the reader wouldn't think the Socs were so bad if they knew the Socs have had a rough time going through life, or if you knew that the Socs would get brutally beaten all of the time by their parents.  

As you can see, the point of view of a story forces the reader to see just one side of the story. In The Outsiders, the narrator’s perspective makes the reader think differently about the Socs and makes the reader feel like the Socs are bad people and the Greasers are helpless and innocent. Such as the Miami Heat against the Charlotte Bobcats. Understanding the narrator’s point of view is so important because if you don’t go by where the view of the writer is coming from, then the ending of the book will not make any sense because you think differently about the characters in the book; even if you don’t know the point of view of the other people, you’re just going to have to trust the reader and believe what they say.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Think...

Authors Note: I chose this piece to show my skills with predicting and to show word choice that will improve my scores

In the story Touching Spirit Bear there is a boy who is a maniac and hurts a kid so badly the kid almost dies. The kid who did the beating was sent to either a healing circle or jail forever and he had a choice to make. This kid chose the heeling circle which meant he would have to endure countless days and nights in the skin tearing weather. From my understanding I believe that this kid will endure the most painful thing he has ever had to endure and he must find his self as a whole and find his inner piece. In order to do this he will meet up with some of the most fearsome creature known to mankind.

The reason I think this is because in other stories I have read most of them have a climax that have some kind of incident in the middle or end of the story. The reason I also think this is because when I was previewing this book it talked about the pain he will have to go through in order to survive. Thus leading me to my theory, and that’s what I think will happen at the end of Touching Spirit Bear.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Great Sadness

Authors Note: I wrote this to show the retelling of an amazing book that touched me and is a great book to learn a life lesson.

The Shack is a story about a family who is having a wonderful time. At least until the Great Sadness. When they walk into the shack there lives will be changed forever and their lives will never be the same. What they witness could either be the most horrifying thing or be the most amazing thing they have ever endured.