Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Big Picture!

  Author's note-  This is a topic that is strong to me and after two weeks of research I have taken a pole to decide that we shouldn't drill for oil.

People may say, “We should totally drill for oil in Alaska because if we do we’ll be loaded with money.” This may be true but I disagree. We should not drill for oil in Alaska no matter how severally we need it. 

The reason people think that we should drill in Alaska is because they think that it will lower gas prices, but this is a myth. The reason people think that is because when congress passed a law that would speed leases in the Gulf of Mexico and open up water off the Atlantic coast for oil exploration. Oil prices fell largely because investors are worried about the global economy, fearing we could be slipping back into a slowdown, which would likely cut demand for oil.

If we did drill in Alaska for oil it would greatly affect the wild life. It would affect whales and there would be hundreds of whales washed up on shore and it could put some animals extinct. Drilling will affect the polar bears and caribou because once they are giving birth it is the most vulnerable time in a species’ life cycle and disrupting it will lead to diminished populations.

According to a recent survey 59% percent of Americans say yes we should and 41% say no we should not drill in Alaska for oil out of all the people that answered a survey. People that answered the survey and said no think no they shouldn’t so they can protect the wildlife refuge.  The reason the people that answered the survey said yes was because they think that the oil will provide power and fuel and save money.

We should not drill for oil in Alaska no matter how sever it will get. The US should just keep importing domestic oil, and not hurt the animals in the arctic. Because together we can all make a difference. Although it requires more and more people it may require more money using this process. We can make all difference one step at a time.

" Should the United States Congress allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? –" Debate Topics – The Pros and Cons of Popular Issues – N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <>.

" Oil Drilling: Risks and Rewards | LiveScience ." Science News – Science Articles and Current Events | LiveScience . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <>.

"Why Drilling More Won't Lower Gas Prices, And Other Myths of the Oil Industry | Ecocentric |" Ecocentric | A blog about all things green, from conservation to Capitol Hill | N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <>.

"Oil Drilling in Alaska | Environmental News, Articles & Information | Global Warming News | EcoWorld." Environmental News, Articles & Information | Global Warming News | EcoWorld | Environmental News, Information & Articles on Climate Change, Global Warming and Sustainability. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. <>.

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