Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Blue Swayed Shoes

Authors Note- Shoes would be important because I wear them everyday.

Shoes can come in many different sizes and colors and they all feel different to. There are track shoes, basketball shoes, wrestling shoes, running shoes, dance shoes, soccer shoes and many many more. There are over a thousand types of shoes and you never know just which one you want.

When I was a kid there wasn’t many choices for me, but now there are a ton of options for shoes. I like shoes that you can run around in but are also cool at the same time. I think the shoe that I am talking about would probably be nikes. Nikes are cool feel good on your feet and can stay together for a long time to.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Sound in my life is super important because if there wasn’t sound then there could be no music. IF there wasn’t music in my life then nothing would ever be the same. To me and my family the way of expressing how you feel is by music. My family feels more connected with each other by playing music together.

My family will come together and we will have my brother on the saxophone, my papa on the harmonica, my ant on the guitar, my mom and piano, and last but not least me on the trumpet. As you can see music isn’t just a sound. It’s a way of life and a way of living.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Quality Headphones=Beats

Authors Note- The topic I chose I understand and can express it very well considering that I use the everyday and everywhere.

Good headphones are a pair that fits around my ear snug and looks cool on the outside to. I would base my choice off of a couple of things. One it would have to have good base, two it would have to fit around my ear perfectly. Three, it would have to be sound canceling and finally it would need to be cool and stylish.

I would choose to have beats because they have everything on my checklist of quality headphones. They have cool colors which make it stylish. They have amazing bass and are easy to carry around. If I had to give my headphones a rating from 1 to 10 I would give them a 8. Beats by Dr. Dre are one of the greatest earphones ever made.          When in doubt..... BEAT OUT

Friday, April 20, 2012

Spring Assessment

Judging the way someone looks isn’t the way to live life. If you go through life judging people you won’t have any friends. No one likes to be alone and that’s why we have friends.  In the story The Basket Counts the author Matt Christopher, shows that just because someone is a different color doesn’t mean you should treat them any differently.

The way Matt Christopher shows this because someone looks different doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with them. In the story The Basket Counts it shows how kids get over their differences to save a friend's life. Kids later realize that something like skin color isn’t a reason to dislike someone, or not to be a good teammate to them. No one on a team gets left behind no matter how well they play or the way they look.

"We learn to be racist; therefore we can learn not to be racist. Racism is not genetic. It has everything to do with power." A quote by Jane Elliot an American teacher and an anti-racism activist shows us that we can change the world. She says that we don’t have to look at people and not like them because they’re a different color. It tries to show you that in the book The Basket Counts that skin color doesn’t matter and that we should put our differences aside and work together.     

In the story The Basket Counts the author Matt Christopher, shows that just because someone is a different color doesn’t mean you should treat them differently. We can change the world one person at a time. Everyone in the world is equally important no matter what color you are. "Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color."-Jane Elliot.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Big Picture!

  Author's note-  This is a topic that is strong to me and after two weeks of research I have taken a pole to decide that we shouldn't drill for oil.

People may say, “We should totally drill for oil in Alaska because if we do we’ll be loaded with money.” This may be true but I disagree. We should not drill for oil in Alaska no matter how severally we need it. 

The reason people think that we should drill in Alaska is because they think that it will lower gas prices, but this is a myth. The reason people think that is because when congress passed a law that would speed leases in the Gulf of Mexico and open up water off the Atlantic coast for oil exploration. Oil prices fell largely because investors are worried about the global economy, fearing we could be slipping back into a slowdown, which would likely cut demand for oil.

If we did drill in Alaska for oil it would greatly affect the wild life. It would affect whales and there would be hundreds of whales washed up on shore and it could put some animals extinct. Drilling will affect the polar bears and caribou because once they are giving birth it is the most vulnerable time in a species’ life cycle and disrupting it will lead to diminished populations.

According to a recent survey 59% percent of Americans say yes we should and 41% say no we should not drill in Alaska for oil out of all the people that answered a survey. People that answered the survey and said no think no they shouldn’t so they can protect the wildlife refuge.  The reason the people that answered the survey said yes was because they think that the oil will provide power and fuel and save money.

We should not drill for oil in Alaska no matter how sever it will get. The US should just keep importing domestic oil, and not hurt the animals in the arctic. Because together we can all make a difference. Although it requires more and more people it may require more money using this process. We can make all difference one step at a time.

" Should the United States Congress allow drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? – Juggle.com." Debate Topics – The Pros and Cons of Popular Issues – Juggle.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://debates.juggle.com/should-the-united-states-congress-allow-drilling-for-oil-in-the-arctic-national-wildlife-refuge>.

" Oil Drilling: Risks and Rewards | LiveScience ." Science News – Science Articles and Current Events | LiveScience . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.livescience.com/4979-oil-drilling-risks-rewards.html>.

"Why Drilling More Won't Lower Gas Prices, And Other Myths of the Oil Industry | Ecocentric | TIME.com." Ecocentric | A blog about all things green, from conservation to Capitol Hill | TIME.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://ecocentric.blogs.time.com/2011/05/06/debunking-a-few-myths-about-oil-and-gas-prices/>.

"Oil Drilling in Alaska | Environmental News, Articles & Information | Global Warming News | EcoWorld." Environmental News, Articles & Information | Global Warming News | EcoWorld | Environmental News, Information & Articles on Climate Change, Global Warming and Sustainability. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2012. <http://www.ecoworld.com/animals/oil-drilling-in-alaska.html>.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do You Understand?

 Authors Note- Friends are what make the world go round and who help you when your down and gives you a hand when your in need.

Anyone can be friends all you need is something you can both enjoy. In the book Unlikely friendships by Jennifer S. Holland. She shows that it doesn’t matter what someone looks like because what is on the inside is different then what’s on the outside. This is the most magnificent book, that contains all of what a good friendship needs.  A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. A quote by Leo Buscaglia, a motivational speaker. This beneficial quote ties in to the book because it shows all you need is a friend.

Magnificent books are what keep readers enjoying the novel much more than the author intended.  Holland kept pulling me in from all of the connections between short stories. She showed how one animal can make a difference in another animal’s life. If someone in an animal’s breed didn’t like the other breed of animals one animal from that pack or group would step up and be the leader and be friends with the different specie or breed of animal.

Friends are like stars you don’t always see them but you know they are always there.  To have a good friendship you primarily need to have laughs, down times, and almost always a good time. Once you find that perfect friend, it could change your life forever, in a good way. 

This is the most magnificent book, that contains all of what a good friendship needs. This book stands out because it expresses to readers that the amazing things in nature can happen to anyone or anything in life, no matter how big or how small you are.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Family Matters

Authors Note- This book shows how I feel about family and life and how family is the most important thing in life.

Jacks Run a book by Roland Smith is a nonstop action thriller. That once you get in to the first couple of pages, and you don’t want to stop because you want to always find out what is going to happen next. This book is so enjoyable because the authors purpose on how family is more important than money has a huge impact in life.

When the author explains in the story that family is way more important than money, he explains to us that making a few extra bucks isn’t worth getting your family killed. Or even the people that you love killed or injured. For example in the book people would risk their own life just to save their families or friends or loved ones.

The way that it Impacts life is that family is always there for you and you don’t want to lose the ones that you love because once they’re gone no one will be there for you. People now and days are putting there self’s in opportunities that will make them a couple extra bucks but maybe what you’re doing is illegal like a drug dealer. In the story it explains that doing something illegal is NOT worth the price even if it does load you with money.

This book is so enjoyable because the authors purpose on how family is more important than money has a huge impact in life. As you can see this subject means a lot to me and I care about my family and I will never let money blind me from the people I love. Have you ever done something over your family for money?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Never Give Up

This quote and picture to me has meaning, they represent that if you don't work hard in what your doing you wont become good at that. It also tells me that if you don't practice you will never become good at the thing you might be best at. You'll never know if your good at something unless you try, and if you mess up don't worry everybody messes up at times. The main thing is just to never give up.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Quote or a Saying?

"Someday everything will all make perfect sense. So for now laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason."

        I feel like this piece has a lot of emotion and feeling in it. It says that everything will all turn out alright someday, and you should live life to the fullest because you only live once. If you really care for something you shouldn't let it go you should follow it and the path that it takes you, because if you attempt something you will die trying rather than die worthless.