Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Have A Dream

Authors Note: I wrote this piece for my DWA and to show a little bit of conflict and resolution, and also to relate a story to real world situations. 

It was a cold and raining day and a young girl named Margot stood and stared out the window, waiting for the glimpse of sunlight or even a sign of desperation. Just like every day in April, but the scene isn’t just like this for one day . It’s been like this for seven years non-stop. Margot stands and waits, hoping today will be the day she sees the beautiful sunlight. Unfortunately we turn back into reality and income the realists who crush the hopes and dreams of the dreamers. Margot didn’t deserve this because she had a dream, but as we have seen in the past many others who have had a dream have not been treated equally.

Margot lived on Venus with many families including hers. She didn’t like it on Venus, so therefore her family was going to head back to Earth. Since she has lived on Venus the one thing she has never seen was the sunlight. All she has seen is rain and more rain. One day she heard on the radio that today would finally be the day where she would catch that glimpse of light. Even though it would only be for a short amount of time Margot says, “I think the sun is a flower, that blooms for just one hour.” This means to Margot that even if it is only for a short amount of time it will be a very special moment that she doesn’t want to miss.

Just like Margot who had a dream, others who have had a dream have not always been treated equally. An example of this would be like Martin Luther King Jr. The conflict was that not all people we being treated equal and he wanted to put an end to this. So he knew that he had to fix this conflict so he did what needed to be done. Another example would be Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat for a white person. For Rosa’s incredible courage and bravery she is now known as "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement". Just like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, Margot had a dream that would change the present and past. Margot was just like these amazing people because she had a dream but many people didn’t agree with her.

As you can see Margot didn’t deserve this because she had a dream, but as we have seen in the past many others who have had a dream have not been treated equally. The resolution isn’t always positive, but with some of our great leaders, it has changed the way we live now. If you were in Margot’s position, how would you feel? A quote by Walt Disney that I like that really shows what dreaming is all about says that, “If you can dream you can do it.” It means that if you have a dream, don’t let anyone stop you or try to bring you down.

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